MEN ON THE RISE (MOTR) provides community-centered, evidence-based mentoring for high-risk and at-risk youth between the ages of 10-15 years-old in Woodlawn, South Shore and Washington Park in order to reduce gun violence in these communities. MOTR will pursue this goal (1) by identifying the youth who are most at risk of perpetuating or become victims of gun violence and (2) by collaborating with local stakeholders, including faith and community groups, survivors of gun violence and their families, and local schools. MOTR will focus its outreach efforts on youths between the ages of 10-15 years old, which is an age group that has largely been overlooked in the gun violence reduction space. This age group has a distinctive set of needs, including (1) mentoring, personal and professional development and (2) exposure to sports, cultural, and outdoor enrichment activities in and outside of Chicago. Men On the Rise intends to scale its outreach efforts to more program participants and communities on the South Side by continuing to pursue funding opportunities that support our work.
Our program will focus on 3 key areas Woodlawn, South Shore, and Washington Park identified as significant target populations in the effort to combat violence in urban areas among youth and young adults.
Men on the Rise will be an organization that is based in the community and for the community. The men and women of MOTR are dedicated, lifetime community residents who are well known and, in some way, have already made a positive impact on the City of Chicago and its surrounding areas where violence has become increasingly prevalent.
There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.
Margaret J. Wheatley